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If you are looking to create a digital notebook or knowledge management wiki inside Notion, I recommend understanding some essential functions in the program, and what exactly you are looking to accomplish with your system.
Reasons to choose Notion for a wiki
You enjoy a structured system with predetermined workflows that will have only minor changes during the process of your work.
You enjoy viewing data in different ways, and particularly, analyzing patterns in your work over a stretch of time.
You need robust task or project management in your wiki.
Once you’ve made the decision to use Notion, building a wiki in the program can be achieved fairly quickly. All you’ll need to understand is how relations operate.
What Is A Relation Property?
In short, Notion is primarily a database program. Databases store information. In Notion, information is added to a database via a database entry, or page. Each page can be described with properties. Those properties can be found at the top of every column in a database table.
One property that is essential for a large workspace, like a wiki, is the relation property. Relation properties connect multiple databases to each other. For example, my notebook database where each database page is a new note, can connect to my tags database where each database page is a single tag. Thus, one page in the notebook can connect to one or more pages in tags and vice-versa.
Mapping Relations With A Flowchart
If you have ambitious plans for your Notion workspace, I recommend mapping relations first. This program ( allows you to quickly create a relation graph for free. There are other resources out there for free flowchart creation as well.
This is what plans for a moderate sized research wiki in Notion looks like: